got old as soon as it started. the volume was screwed too i think.
got old as soon as it started. the volume was screwed too i think.
truly awesome!
wow that was one of the most brilliant flash movies ive ever seen, i forgot to read whether u got highest in ur grade for this film but u definately should have! CRAP I DIDNT SAVE!!
that was really cool, all the cameos were good to remember, great work!
WOW!!! this is one of the best flashes ive seen!!!
this was truly amazing! u need to get a contract to put this stuff on tv, this has btter animation than most shoes ive seen on tv. dude u need written and solid rewards for this stuff so go looking for them! once again this was a really good flash, keep up the good work!!!
who gives a shit if they were pasted!?!?!?!?!?!
dude u should be very proud of urself,
who the hell cares if he pasted pictures, its was FUCKING AWESOME, u get my 100% support on this project.
after i watched this flash i watched the actual episode where gohan kills cell on dvd, and i like ur version almost as much as the real thing. now make gohan going super saiyan 2, thats my fave transformation :D
good luck for the future, cya
the broly series are better
i hated this crap, im not even gona bother watching the rest. try to make ur episodes a bit more fun, huh?
im impressed that u made ur own character, but yeh i didnt like it, i dont want anyone telling me im a fag for hating it coz i dont givea shit what u all think, and stop bagging goldenarms, hes being honest and u cant have people kissing ur ass for every shithouse flash u make.
and i hate u, why kill piccolo for, hes my favourite z fighter
good luck
great work
wow after each episode u bring dragonball z out of ur flash so well!
i love how u made it exactly like a dragonball z episode with the extremely lame scenes of the loser characters like yajirobe and oolong etc.
i think u need to watch a dbz episode and look at how they shoot blasts, urs a just a tiny bit lame, brolys make the whole sky go green and gokus kamehamehas kill anything infront of them,.
anyway good luck again for the future
i live in nsw australia and have huge interest in flash (who doesnt) im new to it so time only tells what ima be able to do with it.
Age 38, Male
Joined on 12/18/05